
Get Started

Step 1

Choose Your Program
  • Little Champs: Kids Martial Arts (ages 5-7) 
  • Jr. Grapplers: Kids Martial Arts (ages 7-12) 
  • Gracie Combatives: Adult Jiu-jitsu Fundamentals 
  • Women Empowered: Women’s Self-Defense 
  • Master Cycle: Advanced BJJ 


Step 2

Schedule Your First Lesson

Choose a day and time that works for you.

We have weekend and evening options available.

Step 3

Enjoy your First Class!

Come to our facility for an amazing first class! Wear comfortable athletic clothing (no zippers or pockets please). We recommend that your top covers your shoulders in order to avoid the possibility of mat burn. Bring a water bottle that you can fill while you’re here.

We will have everything you need! Your first class will be relaxed, and our environment is VERY welcoming. We promise, nobody will get hurt or embarrassed.

See you on the mat!

Fill out the form for a free 10-day pass

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